
Monday, August 28, 2006

In or Out?

OUT, I'm soooo OUT there! I think I'm one of the few, and sometimes that embarrasses me. Like I should be more personal about it, but I can't.

I wear my pomegrante bracelet with pride (although not one person ask inquired about it); I'd wear all pomegrante clothes if if would label me more! If there was a parade, I'd be waving my flag! My sister would be home, denying that infertility exists, and my mom would be the one covering her eyes and telling people, "Its just a phase" and telling me "Stop being so crabby; you're not dying!" as I walk by, IF grabbing by the balls, singing "So Hard" by the Dixie Chicks. Yup, I'm out.

And why not? I had so many people help me along my route, but there was so much missing, so much NOT talked about that I had to read up on and ask my IF pals about. And why? And I quote my mom, "Not everyone needs to be educated". This is the thinking of so many women. "If its not happening to me, its not happening". I swear to you, some of my friends still live under the guise that if I just "relax" and take a vacation, I will miraculously get pregnant. Unfortunatly, no matter what I do, J's sperm will not change its shape. Just today this guy at work (see, I tell EVERYONE!!) was telling me him and his wife tried for 6 years and had just given up, and then it happened! WOW! So, I should just wait, give up, and then I'll be pregnant? And why the HELL didn't they see a doctor after trying for say, a year? I just don't understand and the majority of people don't want to understand.

I feel like I was given IF for a reason. Its my thing to fight against. Its my thing to fight for equal rights for IF patients! So many women are struggling with being able to PAY for IVF and Dianne, you are right, those rules are passed by men strung out on Viagra. Why are vasectomies covered? Why are abortions covered? If you are going to cover one, they all need to be covered. Its like telling a diabetes patient treatment won't be covered, the diagnosis will. What the HELL??? This is why we all need to band together and FIGHT! The more people that know, the more our voice will be heard.

Who will join me in my parade? I dare you...


Somewhat Ordinary said...

Do we get to ride on a cool float or are we marching? Either way I'm right there with you. I just have to get my bracelet (I couldn't find the string around here) and then I'll be wearing it proudly.

Jamie said...

I love your post. :) I am pretty out there too but I don't share all of the details of EVERY cycle with everyone but if the topic comes up I am definitely out there. And don't feel bad, I haven't had anyone comment on my bracelet yet either.

Esperanza said...

GOOD LUCK TOMORROW! :), praying very hard for you, J and the snow babies.