Last week I took Mia to the pediatrician for her 4 month check up (I know! 4 months already!) J and I told her about our concern and our family's concern of her size. She still fits into 0-3 month clothing (although I packed them all away since I was getting bored of them and wanted to put her into some new fall clothes I got her). Her height is in the 75th percentile which is typical for her, but her weight was only 12 lbs, 6 oz, putting her in the 25th percentile. Since she has been spitting up a lot, the doctor perscribed some heartburn meds. She also indicated that this is probably a breast feeding issue.
Her remedy for me:
Take herbal medication (found out from the herbalist I need to take 4 pills an hour; not doing that as it made me so nauseous!)
Wake up between 12-1 to pump
YIKES!! I managed this for 4 nights. On the day of that 4th night, I was so tired, I was crying for no reason. I felt drunk and useless. I am just trying to stay up later to pump. I am only getting about 2 oz. at a time... I don't want to quit, although everyone is pressuring me to.
I am worried about my baby. I want to be the skinny one; she needs to be the chubby one. The doctor isn't worried, but I am . She is very happy and reaching all her milestones ahead of schedule. My dad told my sister to tell me to "feed the baby". oh wow... never thought of that!! Another point off for me for being a bad mommy, I guess! Here is a new picture of my cutie!