
Monday, May 14, 2007


The internet is evil. Type in "induction" and everything you read will talk about why NOT to do it. And I'm a bad mom already.
Today when Dr. mentioned the word "induction" I immediately asked her how soon we could do it. Wednesday I'll get cervadil, Thursday morning, Pitocin. I also had her strip my membranes (for the THIRD time) to see if that would get things moving. She did a really rough exam, and I've had some spotting since then. She noted that what I said were contractions on Friday, were not the labor ones. Apparently, I'll just know when I'm in labor.
Not only am I too ignorant to know when I'm in labor or not, but I'm too impatient to let my little girl continue to cook and get bigger and bigger. Dh is very kind, saying that if I continue to wait, I'm just going to get more and more uncomfortable. I already can't sleep, can't realy eat, and here is the NEWEST symptom... I keep getting that tingly pins and needle sensation in my arms and legs.
Dr. said I have a lot of amniotic fluid, and if my water does break, it will be a big gush. This is incredibly funny to dh, who said it will be like a fire hydrant and cause quite the flood. I am laughing on the inside...


Anonymous said...

Oh Joei I wish there was more that could be done for you- I know it feels like forever but really you will be holding her very soon. Hang in there!! The pins & needles feeling could be from the baby compressing a nerve- I had that problem right at the end too. I just hope that you don't have to worry about Cervadil or Pitocin- hope she decides to make a grand entrance all on her own! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you're making an informed decision - you know the risks and the benefits, the pros and the cons, and are making an indivdualised decision for you. Most women blindly do what they're told - props to you for going out there, finding the information, and making a decision like the adult you are. Good luck!

Esperanza said...

Praying for you. And if you induce, you are not a "bad" mommy. There is no way you could ever be a "bad" mommy. You've been a fantastic mommy since the beginning my friend. Knowing that your heart is made of solid gold, makes me confident that you are a FANTASTIC mommy.